Letters: VAC Phi 200 Monoblocks for Steve Hoffman

“Santa is visiting really early this year. Or should I say Kevin Claus? Kevin Hayes is one of my favorite top end audiophile gear designers and his company (VAC) is tops in vacuum tube stereo. He is sending me a new pair of the phenomenal VAC Phi 200 monoblocks for my studio. Just in time for mastering BOB DYLAN’S GREATEST HITS, VOL. II. The Phi 200 is a stereo amp with 100 RMS watts a channel but with the flick of a switch, it’s 200 mono watts. A pair will be just right for my needs. Once again, Kevin Hayes comes through for me. Much appreciated!

Kevin Hayes, I’m so appreciative, thanks so much. The Phi 200′s sound truly amazing. The Phi 200′s sound truly meaty, I mean, nicely authoritative. Wonderful inner detail without being bright or harsh. Makes everything sound better yet still accurate to the sound of the master tape. Will make my job a whole bunch easier. THANKS, KEVIN!!!! Just in time for Dylan mastering next week.”

Steve Hoffman

February 26 at 8:13pm · Edited · Unlike · 1

Editors’ Choice Award: VAC Signature IIa

Editors' Choice Award: VAC Signature IIa

Editors’ Choice Award: VAC Signature IIa

“Kevin Hayes has outdone himself with the new Signature IIa preamp. Transformer-coupled, completely balanced, hand-wired with no coupling capacitors or negative feedback, the full-function model has four line inputs and a tubed photostage with mm / mc inputs, a completely separate power transformer, dedicated filter circuitry, and variable impedance loading. And the sound is gorgeous.” The Absolute Sound, March 2013, page 72