2017 upcoming shows

VAC is getting ready to go on the road to the burgeoning number of regional trade shows, starting with Axpona in Chicago, where we will be showing a cost-no-object system in the Dearborn room in conjunction with the Von Schweikert Ultra 11 speakers. Then we jet off to two rooms at Munich, one showing our Statement Series with Von Schweikert and ZenSati, and another with our Signature Series components and KingSound electrostatic speakers. We end the spring show cycle with two rooms at the LAX Show, one with our dealer, Scott Walker Audio, and a yet again the pairing of the award winning VAC Statement components and the Von Schweikert Ultra 11′s. I hope we get to meet you there!

VAC Statement 450, the #1 “Work of Art” tube amplifier on the Robb Report!


by Alexander Lamascus

“VAC, or Valve Amplification Company, is a legendary name in audio engineering. Their glowing logo is emblazoned on every tube amplifier it produces, including its signature amplifier, the VAC Statement 450. Priced at $46,000, it includes a variety of custom-built internal electronics and a unique structural design that allows for fast delivery of sonic perfection. The two-part chassis is built and lacquered in-house. The lower portion contains the power supply, which uses three massive, custom-built transformers that are uniquely isolated to ensure very little vibration transmission. The top portion contains the amplifier circuitry, which uses a variety of tubes with hand-wired components. VAC amplifiers take a measured approach to the bass frequencies and are known for exceptional mid- and high-range frequency response. Both elements weigh in at 200 pounds total, and since they are a mono-block design, a buyer should expect to purchase at least two, one for each speaker channel.”