Marjorie ‘Margo’ Hayes, the Voice of VAC

With great sadness we announce that Margo passed away on Saturday morning, May 25th, at the age of 91.

Margo is the mother of VAC founder & president Kevin Hayes. She was present when VAC was conceived, and answered the telephone and kept the books for the new company. For most of the past 23 years, when you called VAC, you heard her voice.

She loved VAC and loved our customers, often taking a personal interest, remembering the names of family members and various situations.

On March 10 she had suffered a collapse which necessitated surgery and time in the hospital and rehab. She was released April 10, and returned to VAC on April 15, not missing a day through May 24.

As much as she loved VAC and her children, the truth is that she was ready to ‘go home’. A firm Christian, she has every confidence of where she is going, and of seeing so many loved ones who went before her.

I love her, and she will be missed more than I can say. Truly, I hope to see her again when my time comes.

Kevin Hayes / VAC

13 thoughts on “Marjorie ‘Margo’ Hayes, the Voice of VAC

  1. Kevin, although you may not have a true sense of it now, having a loving mom, who actively participated in your life for the time that was given to you and the rest of your family is indeed a blessing. The feeling of loss is one that never completely disappears, but reminds us of the depth of love we shared. The great news: as a Christian, she is in a much better place, please don’t hope to see her again; if you believe what she believed, count on it. My condolences, and may God bless.

    • Hope was perhaps a mild word to choose; I use in in the sense of Titus 3:4-7 … “so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.” Thank you so much for your encouragement, needed and welcome!

  2. Kevin, I’m so sorry to learn of your mother’s passing. I know how very hard this must be for you. Please know that she is at peace and will be waiting for you when your time comes to join her in heaven. My sincerest condolencces. – Dave

  3. I will forever remember – ‘thank you for calling VAC, how may we help you”? And, “oh, so good to hear from you…how is your family” – never one afraid to share her faith, she is certainly in ‘paradise’ today –

    She was truly a blessing to me whenever I called. She will be missed…

    Truly sorry, Scott

    • She really cared about our extended ‘family’. In her top desk drawer, the first thing I encountered were photos of your family, Mark’s, Frank Doris’s, and others. I’m so glad that she was a blessing to you; you surely were to her!

  4. Kevin – I am truly sorry for your loss – your Mom was a neat lady and would always have a kind word when I called. The past few years she even recognized my voice most of the time and seemed to take genuine pleasure in hearing from me. I used to really enjoy talking with her. We had a number of interesting conversations over the years, almost never about audio.

    Part of her inner beauty was the fact that she REALLY CARED about us as members of the VAC “family” and it showed whenever she answered the phone. That is so rare to find these days – she will really be missed by all of us. I hope she is truly at peace and in a better place.

    Hopefully your “time” won’t come for a very long time – we need you around to continue to provide the best products and service in high-end audio. Really. :-) T
    I will definitely be with you in spirit on the 8th. Take care, my friend.

    • I took her a while to catch on to the various accents you adopt when you call, but in the end she figured you out!

  5. Kevin and family,

    I’m saddened to hear of your mother passing. I pray that the Lord will comfort you and your family during these difficult times and that you may find strength in knowing that she loved her family and is now in presence of the Lord.

    My condolences to you and your family…

    In Christ,
    2 Thes 2:15-17

  6. Dear Kevin,
    I just read of your Mom’s passing a few minutes ago. I’m so sorry. You must miss her terribly.
    How blessed we all are for having heard her sing-song voice greeting us over the phone with such genuine care and grace. For years, every time I called to speak with you, we played a little unspoken game — she would say (I imagine with a wry smile), “whom shall I say is calling?” which always made me smile, because I always said “It’s Alón from San Francisco!” knowing full well that she knew exactly who it was.

    She was such an integral part of my experience of being a part of the VAC family… May she rest in peace, knowing she was loved and appreciated by so many. And may the void she left in your heart be filled with God’s love.

    Alón (from San Francisco!)

  7. Sorry to hear about your loss and I appreciate your comments. My mom will be 95 this month and is in reasonably decent health, but has been ready to “move on” for at least a few years. In fact, she recently awoke from a surgical procedure, and was visibly upset that she came through. She is the last from her generation and I imagine there comes a time when one is truly ready to join with those who’ve already moved into the Kingdom. God bless you and your family.

    • You know, Jim, I recently noticed a phrase in Genesis 25 about Abraham’s passing; it says Abraham died “and was gathered to his people.” Somehow that turn of phrase really drives home the point to me, and is very comforting. Hope all goes well with your mom, and God bless you both.

  8. Kevin,

    As I sit here at my computer on the eve of Chan’s passing, I find that I am offering you my sincere condolences on the passing of your Mother. She was a wonderful woman, a great Mother and a loving wife. I know that your Father and Mother are now with Chan, and that they will dwell in the Lord’s Kingdom forever.

    I have very fond memories of your Mother, with Chan, and you in a baby seat in the back of the car, picking me up for school many a morning. Back in those days, the Hayes family car was a huge Detroit monster with tail fins that would put an airplane to shame. I recall it being a sort of rusty coral color. Those times will always be very special memories for me. Again, please accept my sincerest sympathy for your loss.

    Maggie Read Wallace

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