Introducing the the New Statement Series Amplifiers and Preamplifiers

The Statement iQ power amplifier is the first in a series of VAC components featuring the new VAC iQ Intelligent Continuous Automatic Bias System (patent pending). The VAC iQ System builds on the unprecedented performance of the original Statement Series and takes it to a whole new level with a set of critical enhancements.
product page
product specs and fact sheet (pdf)  

The VAC Statement Phono Amplifier is designed for extreme applications. You can tell this the moment you examine the back panel and notice that there are two DC umbilical cords and large Amphenol aerospace connectors, a reminder of the massive dual mono power supply. Unusually, you see that there are inputs for four independent phone sources. Not only that, but each input may be of the conventional single-ended type or may be fully balanced.
product page
product specs and fact sheet (pdf)  

The heart of the Statement Line Amplifier is a high current, low impedance, balanced Class A1 triode vacuum tube amplifier. Its inputs and outputs couple to the outside world through high precision wideband transformers. While inherently balanced in design, the transformers themselves accomplish conversion to single-ended operation in a sonically transparent way when required.
product page
product specs and fact sheet (pdf)  

3 thoughts on “Introducing the the New Statement Series Amplifiers and Preamplifiers

  1. Congratulations Kevin, Brent and the entire VAC family,

    What a beautiful new web site. Looking forward to more information and photos on all the new Statement instruments (that one shot of the new preamp’s interior is stunning!). Wish I could be with you at CES next week and hear your presentation on the new Iq technology… Any chance it could be recorded?

    I really can’t wait to receive my Signature 2a with the phono stage in the next few weeks… I plan on enjoying it thoroughly, even though there’s now a tantalizing upgrade path!

    All the best of success at CES,
    San Francisco

  2. Bummer, Kevin. I have waited for you to create a statement phonstage. Well you did it, but with no volume control! Bummer. I dont need multiple inputs so it would be lame to buy a pre and phonostage. Please build the phonostage with a volume control. Thanks!

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